Monday, February 22, 2016

Pin Hole Camera

The beginning of the project consisted of trial and error where you have to learn how your pinhole camera works. We created our pinhole cameras by using a coffee can and wrapping it in paper mache which blocks light from going through the camera. After that we punctured a small hole in the camera known as the aperture and then put tape over it making a shutter. Then we used small test strips to figure out how much light was needed to get in for the picture. After the picture was taken we took the film strip in the dark room and put it in several chemicals which gave the picture color. Once it was done, you'll be able to tell if you need more or less light. If the picture came out black you need less light, and if it came out too white, you need more light. The pictures i took show my process. My first picture is my test strip and my last picture is my final product.

1 comment:

  1. Your pinhole negative has a nice range of values from black to white. Now, make a positive image out of it in the darkroom using the enlarger. Remember to make a test strip to see how much light is needed and to agitate the chemicals.
