Monday, February 29, 2016

Positive Image

I made a positive image from using a picture that i took with my pinhole camera. To the left is the positive image and the right picture is negative. The picture i took with my pinhole camera is negative, but i used the enlarger in the dark room to change it to positive. Changing from negative to positive switches the blacks to whites and whites to blacks. When using the enlarger you have to start with a test strip to find out the correct lighting and time. You also have to get it to the brightest light and the the best focus point. After that you move the light to F8. Make sure your test strip or film isn't  in any light. The lighting and time can effect how light or dark the picture is. After you use the enlarger, you have to do the same process of chemicals as you did with the pinhole camera film. After the strip is in the chemicals and agitated correctly, it will come out with a nice positive picture.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pinhole Camera Worksheet

1.  Camera obscure is also know as the dark room, which is a darkened box with a lens that allows light to come in and out for a picture.

2. A pinhole camera is a light-tight can or object that has a shutter and aperture.

3. The three things a camera has in common is aperture and shutter. They are also light tight, allows no light to come in.

4. The two parts that allow light in are the shutter and the aperture.

5. You test the pinhole camera for light leaks by putting in a new test strip and then taking the camera outside into light. Then you take it back in the dark room and if the strip is still white, then there are no leaks. You can fix by covering with black paper and making sure cap is tight.

6. Camera shake is movement of the camera while you try to take a picture. If the image comes out blurry there was either camera shake or something moving in the picture.

7. Developer is chemicals that bring out the image in the film. It is converted by a chemical reaction.

8. The stop bath removes all the chemicals and stops the chemical reaction process once it;s done developing.

9. The fixer is the last step in the photographic process. It stabilizes the image and removes the unexposed silver halide that remains on the film.

10. You need to agitate the chemicals so they are in a mild even motion while being processed. It prevents spotting, streaking, and staining.

11. You can prevent prints from sticking together by making sure they are clean and store them in a air tight bag.

12. You wash prints to get rid of any remaining chemicals still on the photo. If you didn't wash the image, it may deteriorate after while.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Pin Hole Camera

The beginning of the project consisted of trial and error where you have to learn how your pinhole camera works. We created our pinhole cameras by using a coffee can and wrapping it in paper mache which blocks light from going through the camera. After that we punctured a small hole in the camera known as the aperture and then put tape over it making a shutter. Then we used small test strips to figure out how much light was needed to get in for the picture. After the picture was taken we took the film strip in the dark room and put it in several chemicals which gave the picture color. Once it was done, you'll be able to tell if you need more or less light. If the picture came out black you need less light, and if it came out too white, you need more light. The pictures i took show my process. My first picture is my test strip and my last picture is my final product.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Rules of Composition

We learned six Rules of Composition in this assignment. Those rules consists of simplicity, lines, balance, framing, avoiding mergers, and the rule of thirds. In the assignment we were supposed to find two images out of catalogues and then put them on the paper. The assignment helps you learn the different ways you can take a picture to make them look more professional and better in general. The Rules of Composition helps especially with older cameras because you can't just take a lot of pictures and then delete them like you can with your phone. After learning about these six rules you will be a better photographer and will be able to take some interesting pictures!